Trimming your hair is a long-standing debate in the hair world. Some say it should be 6-8 weeks, while others say 3-4 months is the perfect amount of time. Then there are others who say you should never trim your hair. No matter your thoughts or beliefs, there are many tell-tale signs that indicate a trim is always necessary to keep your hair healthy.
Single-strand or fairy knots are all apart of natural hair. Knots are going to happen. But, there are many ways to reduce them. A great way is to keep your hair stretched by using oils on your ends. When those annoying knots can’t seem to stay away, then a light dusting may be necessary. Wherever a knot occurs, the hair strand is probably weakened. This is a sign to make an appointment for your scheduled trim.
Split-ends can totally throw you hair growing plans for a loop. Splitting can thin your ends which results in uncontrolled breakage. Eek! For this reason, it’s recommended that you trim your hair slightly above the end of the splits. There are several split-end repair products on the market that act as “glue” for your split ends. Just know, that they are probably only a temporary solutions to use in between trims. If you don’t trim your ends, you may end up losing more than the 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Might as well just get it over with..
If your hair is the exact same length as last year, you need a trim! Are you deep conditioning, protective styling, and treating your hair like the treasure that it is? If you’ve gone over your entire regimen and are still not getting the results you want, maybe you’re not keeping up with your dreadful split ends. Don’t get me wrong, there are some people who can go a long time without a trim, but there are others with more delicate hair who need to stay ahead of damaged ends.